Core is a hot topic and generates a lot of hoopla. However, when folks on both
sides of the issue are pressed, they tend to provide simplistic explanations
that do little to illuminate the debate.
of Common Core argue that if you are against it then you must be for our
children living in the “intellectual darkness” of inferior standards. Those in
the opposite camp argue that Common Core is a “Big Brother” top down initiative
from politicians in Washington and a gross over reach by the Federal
government. Both these explanations are simplistic and ignore the reality of
the situation.
truth of how Common Core came to be is quite complex and is thoroughly
documented in many well researched papers on the Internet. If you are really
interested, I’ll be happy to provide links to thoughtful and generally non-hyperbolic
discussions of the topic.
said, I offer the following points:
historic education standards used in Tennessee and other states are content
standards, i.e. the standards define the information or content that we want
students to master. Common Core differs markedly
in that it is a “process standard” designed to teach children to “think” and
“solve” problems critically.
who has tried to solve a 3rd grade Common Core math problem knows that assessing Common Core is much more
complex that just grading a multiple choice test. Since we now want to assess
“how” the student thinks, we must use artificial intelligence algorithms that
have not been properly researched or tested for this purpose. The Common Core
tests are being developed by a consortium called the Partnership for Assessment
of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). A full review of this group is
beyond the scope of this brief narrative. However, representatives from the
testing companies are prominent among the members. These tests are expected to
raise the cost of student testing significantly (along with profits to the
testing companies). The increased costs for this testing have been largely
hidden from the public and legislatures. These increased test costs are highly
significant in a time when most states are faced with budgetary limitations.
order to be eligible for the administration’s “Race to the Top” initiative,
states had to agree to implement Common Core. In the quest to secure “Race to
the Top” funding, Tennessee signed on for Common Core very quickly. So quickly
in fact that the adoption was rushed and not well thought out. Many teachers
feel they were inadequately prepared for the implementation. Despite the fact
that it is implemented in Tennessee classrooms, we are still utilizing the
previous TCAP exams. Although the test data from last year has been very slow to emerge, it appears that these tests results suffered
during the last class year. Our legislature has wisely held off implementation
of the PARCC testing. However, this puts our children in a very precarious
position of once again being tested to the new Common Core standard with tests
designed for the old state content standards.
my interface with classroom teachers in the 2013-2014 school year, I was
told that Common Core “shoe horns” all the students into a prescribed “proper
ways of thinking”. Most of the brightest students already develop unique
problem solving paths and several teachers I have spoken to feel that the
Common Core rubric adversely affects them by forcing them into “appropriate”
ways of thinking that do not make sense to them. Having tried to follow the
Common Core “appropriate ways of thinking” to solve problems, I can totally
people pushing Common Core the hardest may be more motivated by profit or the
promise of Federal funding than our children's well being.
than blindly pushing Common Core, our state administrators might want to look
at the evidence where it has been attempted. Most of the evidence I have found
is either inconclusive or negative.
legislature needs to take a close look at the cost impact of PARCC testing and
its impact on our students and education budgets with an eye to scrapping the
Common Core all together.
parents and concerned citizens we need to get the facts and be prepared to
counter the loud (and well funded) forces who are pushing Common Core.
a very respected national educator put it at the 2013 American Education Research
Association (AERA) conference, “When the world's largest software company
(Microsoft) and the world's largest testing company (Pearson) are the biggest
proponents of Common Core, it should give one pause to wonder why.”
Tennessee Legislature will again address the Common Core during the next
session. As concerned parents, grandparents, and community leaders we need to
make sure we understand the issues and share our concerns with our legislators
in a respectful, informed manner.
Lastly, According to the Heritage Foundation, the
federal government provides just
9%-10% of the funding for public education in the
states, yet it is the source of 41% of the administrative
compliance burden for the states. Perhaps the time
has come to do a cost benefit assessment on the impact of accepting Federal
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