Friday, December 14, 2012

Virus Software for Life

As is always the case in the final days of the year, I find myself reviewing it and mentally evaluating my "performance". One thing I always pray for is that I would be consistent in my faith and I find that I consistently fail in this area. Like St. Paul I find that the things "the things I would not do" I have done and "the things I would do" I have not done. So I now have two choices. I  can grieve over my failure or rejoice that I serve a God who can perform a reset.

I am not sure how theologically correct this might be, but I believe if we allow him to, God can do sort of a ctrl-alt-del on my failures. In so doing, he gives me a chance to enter the future without the viruses and malicious cookies of life that have crept into my "operating system". Assaults from the evil hackers of life can still be expected... but we have God's master virus protection system to protect us. Just like our computer systems, the key to staying protected is to keep our virus "software" up to date. Phillipians 4:8 gives some pretty good instruction on how to do that.

So for 2013, my prayer is that I can keep my life's virus protection up to date.

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